Happiness is like glass. It may be all around you, yet be invisible.
But if you change your angle of viewing a little, then it will reflect light more beautifully than any other object around you

(Lelouch Vi Brittania)

Selasa, Desember 07, 2010

THE SLIGHTLY CHIPPED THE MOON by Yucca, Kuroshitsuji II Insert Song

The full moon slightly chipped
That's so me
So please
Save me and hold me tight
Just make me all right
Under the dark clouds
Wingless swans in my soul
From the fortress, a pessimist

My howl in the night,
To the isolated star
Don't drive me crazy
Everything seems too far
The sky so deep
Spread endlessly

How on earth can I get to the strawberry field?

The full moon slightly chipped
Oh please
Save me and let me smile
Just make me all right
Over the bed of trees
My heart spins around

My howl in the dawn
To the isolated star
I dare to forgive you
Everything seems too far
But care for me tenderly

How on earth can I get to the strawberry field?

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