Happiness is like glass. It may be all around you, yet be invisible.
But if you change your angle of viewing a little, then it will reflect light more beautifully than any other object around you

(Lelouch Vi Brittania)

Selasa, November 23, 2010

MAKRAB is the BEST!!

AWESOME!! hhahaha... I never think that i regreted what i had done :D Makrab, that held on last Saturday until last Sunday was amazing.. I needed a big sacrifice to get permission from my Dad to join that activities.
On the first day, we just playing games, and of course knew your new friends, it was so cool but i was tired too hahahahaaaaa....
(I was in the middle :D )

At the night, we got a campfire and did some pentas seni :D my group got a fashionshow turn, so embarasse but so funny :)
After that we went to sleep and the morning had come. We walking around the camp and looked at Cow Farm. After that we got the last games, Outbond, and it was the best games game with my new friends :)
A lot of things happened those 2 days and I was very happy that time,,
I hope I can join some camp like that next time, Amin :)
Love you my friends :D

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